Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Exploration of Self - Brainstorm (assignment #19)

Self-Portrait (normal self):
1.  Young, soft, but forceful
2.  Intelligent and creative, using poetry book (annotated)
3.  Flowers and comfortable clothing, normal posture to convey natural appearance
4.  Hair in natural, fluffy style, some effort but not much
5. Writing in notebook (glasses) flowers and stuff bursting from book

1960's flight attendant:
1. Bright, bubbly, smiling life attendant who must be polite / proper above anything else
2. Manicured, perfect nails, soft in nature and appearance - holding drink?
3. Red lips, soft, perfect white teeth
4. Full dress, no fold, forcing perfect posture
5. Side shot, showing rigid pole forcing posture, with smiling portrait

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Wrapped (assignment 17)

Christo and Jeanne-Claude bring something as simple as wrapping to a new level of art. From the smallest object, to the coast line of Australia. The work completed by the married couple have been hailed across different countries and cultures. Their work may seem simple, but they appear to be impactful by the amount of awe they inspire. I felt changed from studying their work because I had never considered visual art to extend to the level that they reached. It's not sculpture exactly, but it's more then a two-dimensional piece. It is this defiance of definition that intrigued me, end even more considering I could use that concept and make a photograph. It, to me, is art within art. I wanted to create a piece that wouldn't have some super deep meaning, but rather an interesting photograph to look at. I began by going over ideas, then choosing the focus of fruit. At first, I wanted to leave most of the fruit unwrapped, and have one contrasting wrapped fruit. However, after I wrapped the first one, I liked the way it looked and decided to do the rest. With the final images, I concluded that art doesn't always have to have a super deep meaning (although some of the best work does) but rather just have an awe-inspiring intriguing appearance.