Friday, October 9, 2015

Art as photography



inspiration/original painting
This project turned out to be incredibly difficult. When I originally chose the photo I though it might be a simple recreation, but there were a lot of components that were crucial to the photo, that when changed, take a lot away from it. I found that to be especially true as I tried to recreate it. Some situational circumstances changed my ability to take the photo with the best light/background but nonetheless I find that I am quite disappointed in this. I still tried, and I do feel I put in a great effort.

1 comment:

  1. I may or may not have spoken to you about this final piece. I can appreciate the effort and time that went into it and see what you are saying about the lighting. In fact, you did quite a nice job of replicating it in the space you were offered in the innovation lab. I would love to see what you could do in the photo studio - although not much of a larger area...I was actuall wondering if you had used the front room and hung the backdrop over the side window if that might have been an interesting way to go...who knows. I acually would love to see if this could be reshot (I know, not cnecessary but now I'm interested...) and while the pose was hard for your medel, I'd like to see if you could get her to soften her factial features a bit. I was even thinking if you put your camer on continuous shoot mode and just shot as she was going into the pose? Just some thoughts. What do you think (or are you simply done with this assignment?)
