Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Ideas for wrapping assignment

As we talked about, I think I will play on the idea of contrasting items. So one wrapped amongst many that or not, or possibly a single object only half wrapped. I was inspired by your (Ms.Kunt'z) idea of the shelf of glasses. I can see that image quite clearly in my head. I think I will do a series of images along that line. My first idea is for a fruit bowl (or plate, depending on what photographs the best) and wrapping one, probably a distictively shaped fruit like a banana or pear. Also, one the idea of fruit, maybe fruit completely wrapped then cut in half, or one half wrapped and cut. If I start with fruit, I would most likely continue the series with fruit or food.
I was also thinking about accessories, like bracelets or glasses, and carrying out the same idea concepts.

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