Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Composition (assignment 3)

(SS: 1/100, f-stop: 4.0, ISO: 200)
With this photo, I somewhat used rule of thirds, I could have done better with  it. I think that the lines from the shutters lead to the subject, allowing it to be clear. It is also simple, which allows the main aspects of the photo to become more clear.

(SS: 1/100, f-stop: 4.2, ISO: 400)
With this photo, I tried to frame the subject between the panels, which brought out good composition. This also allowed for the photo to be more or less symmetrical. Although the background is, there is one subject, in the center pain of the window.
(SS: 1/50, f-stop:4.5, ISO:200)
This photo, to me, has strong composition because of the focus on the eyes (primarily right, which is centered) and the simplification. The subject is clear, and there aren't any factors to distract from that.,The background is simple and consistent. The subject also fills the frame.

1 comment:

  1. These work well - I'd like you to think aobut going closer, closer, and closer still...just a thought...
