Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Light (as.#6)

SS: 1/50, f-stop: 5.6, ISO: 400
Adjusted curves, brightness (lower), contrast (higher), vibrance (higher), saturation (slightly higher), also cropped.

SS: 1/50, f-stop: 5.0, ISO: 200
Adjusted curves, brightness (lower), contrast (higher), vibrance (lower), saturation (lowest)

SS: 1/200, f-stop: 5.0, ISO: 200
Adjusted curves, brightness (lower), contrast (higher), vibrance (higher), saturation (lowest)

SS: 1/50, f-stop: 4.6, ISO: 400
Adjusted curves, brightness (higher), contrast (higher), vibrance (slightly higher), saturation (slightly higher) also cropped
The hardest part about this assignment was adjusting my camera. As a person who only recently started using manual (used auto for 3+ years) and only just now started a photography class, getting the hang of adjusting the f-stop, shutter speed, and ISO is pretty difficult. However, I feel more connected to my work because I feel like I am making it the way it is, not my camera. It allows me to further understand my camera and how different parts relate to each other, but also how to adjust a camera for the appropriate situation.  In my mind, the picture of the flowers was the most successful. The image alone had good depth and clarity but I was able to draw out those qualities and exaggerate them to create a better image. In general, understanding the influence of light and how to control it with my camera has allowed me to become a better photography, although I still have a lot to do.


  1. I'm so proud of you for doing the manual thing, though! I love what you're producing! Nice work.
