Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Assignment #22

I wanted to use images of Diana and also lyrics from her songs, because she is truly a talented song writer and composer. There are white borders on the pictures so they fit the 14x11 mold. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Assignment #21-Surrealism

My aim with this assignment was to create the image of rocks floating as balloons. My idea was actually inspired when Ms. Kuntz was naming ideas and she said something similar. Originally I just wanted to have the rocks against a background, but I decided to add some white clouds from paper. With this idea I wanted to create the odd imagery of real rocks against a fake background. I tied them up and hung them from a beam of my house (I wanted the best lighting, so I used the best outdoor lighting I could find). I then flipped the photo and made minor edits.

Assignment #20 - Aaron Siskind

All shot with kit lens (18-55). 1/80 shutter speed,  f-stop: 4.2, ISO: 125
My photos were inspired by Aaron Siskind's work because I observed the monochromatic and patterned nature of his photos. I found that, when looking at his work, it was symmetrical yet unsymmetrical. I got the idea of shooting the progress of a paper being burned from his work. I figured I could capture the very stark contrast of a flame on a white paper and the pattern as it grows larger. I converted the photo to black and white, increased brightness and contrast, and changed with curves. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Assignment #21: Surrealism

"What is the difference between real and surreal?  What does it mean when, in conversation, someone says, "That's so SURREAL!"?  Take a look at the images below from two Surreal artists.  Where did their visions come from?  Where do these images take the viewer?  Why?"

Surreal is different from real in that it breaks the boundaries of "real". Something that would be real could be seen in everyday life, where as surrealism represents something other-worldly or impossible. In the images of the surreal photos, they each contain an element of impossibility or oddity because they are obviously not just snapshots of a naturally occurring occasion. However, the images contain objects or images of real things, such as rocks, people, or ropes. In each photo, these objects are arranged in a way to present an interesting and awe-inspiring image that takes the viewer to the realm of impossibility and thus, surrealism. I enjoy Man Ray's work because his images are intriguing and captivating, and stand out in the surreal photography world because he wasn't around to use photoshop. 

lightroom tutorials






Friday, April 8, 2016

Exploration of Self final images

To me, this project reflected on the nuances of my character, versus who a character that I consider to be the opposite of my own persona. The top image, a truly self-reflected image, took me a while to come up with. I decided to appear bare, completely in all respects to the camera. However, I felt that wasn't enough and that I obviously couldn't be naked. I used the open book as a way of covering but also to symbolize how I am. An open book really describes me, and the comfort with being bare on camera speaks true to that. I consider myself to be soft but open and assertive. Being bare and exposed with the open book to me makes sense for who I am.
The bottom image reflects the opposite of how I am as a person. Sharp, refined, abrasive. At times I could be like this, but not much. Hair pinned back represented a very constrictive appearance. (When I wear my hair up, it is at comfort). The outfit and also make up is sharp, and contrasting. A more fierce and fronting stance is also indicative of a different character.

Self Exploration Contact Sheet