Friday, April 8, 2016

Exploration of Self final images

To me, this project reflected on the nuances of my character, versus who a character that I consider to be the opposite of my own persona. The top image, a truly self-reflected image, took me a while to come up with. I decided to appear bare, completely in all respects to the camera. However, I felt that wasn't enough and that I obviously couldn't be naked. I used the open book as a way of covering but also to symbolize how I am. An open book really describes me, and the comfort with being bare on camera speaks true to that. I consider myself to be soft but open and assertive. Being bare and exposed with the open book to me makes sense for who I am.
The bottom image reflects the opposite of how I am as a person. Sharp, refined, abrasive. At times I could be like this, but not much. Hair pinned back represented a very constrictive appearance. (When I wear my hair up, it is at comfort). The outfit and also make up is sharp, and contrasting. A more fierce and fronting stance is also indicative of a different character.

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